Thursday 2 May 2013

Spiritual Testament of Aldo Resega (1943)

By Aldo Resega

[...] If I die, let my sacrifice, like that of many other Martyrs, simply represent the debt of our rebirth. Will Italy's tragedy perhaps want my blood? I offer it with the impetus of my faith. Let it flow without retaliation, without reprisals and without revenge. Only then will it be precious and fruitful for my Fatherland: a gift and not an injury, an act of love and not a source of hate, a painful necessity and not a vehicle of greater disunity.

Existence can not be reduced to the length of one's life, but only to its quality, its intensity. A few moments can be a lifetime. Si Spiritus pro nobis, quis contra nos? [If the Spirit is with us, who can be against us?]