Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Decalogue of the Fascist Soldier (1937)
1. Know thou that the Fascist, and especially the soldier, should not believe in perpetual peace.
2. Days spent in prison are always merited.
3. One serves the Fatherland even by standing guard at a gasoline tank.
4. A comrade must be a brother: first because he lives with you, and second because he thinks like you.
5. Weapons have not been entrusted to you to be worn at your ease, but to train you for war.
6. Never say "the government will pay," because it is you who pays, and the government is that which you have willed and for which you put on the uniform.
7. Discipline is the life of the armies; without it there are no soldiers, only confusion and defeat.
8. Mussolini is always right.
9. The volunteer profits by no extenuating circumstances if he disobeys.
10. One thing must be dear to you above all: the life of the Duce.