Tuesday 2 July 2013

Easter Memorandum (1942)

My Alpino artilleryman, seek to be:

Strong: as a Christian and as a soldier. Life, now as always, is a harsh struggle: the weak will perish.

Corageous: God is with you, helps you, comforts you and saves you. The battle of life must be sustained without ignorance, without fear, without cowardice: cowards flee.

Generous: if God and the Fatherland request your service, whatever it is, respond now and always with enthusiasm, ready for any sacrifice: only heroes are worthy of victory!

May God, whom you received in your heart today, bless you.

Your Chaplain,

Don Secondo Contigiani

Prayer of the Alpino

On the bare rocks, on the perennial glaciers, on every cliff of the Alps that Providence gave us as a cradle and created as a safe bulwark for our lands, in every corner of the earth or on the seas, everywhere, our soul – purified by dangerously accomplished duty – is turned to Thee, O Lord, that Thou may protect our mothers, our spouses and our far-away children, and help us to be worthy of the glories of our ancestors.

Almighty God who regulates all the elements, save us – armed with love and faith – from every spiritual evil; save us from the destructive frost, from the furious storms and from the cataclysmic avalanches;

make sure that our feet pass safely on the vertiginous ridges, on the straight walls, on the treacherous crevasses;

make our weapons infallible against anyone who dares offend our Fatherland, our millennia-old Christian civilization and our glorious flag.

Protect, O Lord, the beloved Sovereign, our Duce, and always grant Roman arms – guided by Augustan wisdom – the just reward of Victory.