Tuesday 2 July 2013

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, Protector of the MVSN (c. 1944)

Prince of the Celestial Militia, thou who didst drive out of heaven and into the infernal abyss those spirits who rebelled against God.

Keep our soul faithful to God and to the Fascist Militia, keep our arm strong against the enemies of the Fatherland and against those who rebel against its laws and against the order willed by the Duce in the Nation.

St. Michael, defeater of Satan, protect us, that we may be Soldiers of Christ, Soldiers of the Duce, always victorious in all battles for the security and greatness of the Fatherland in this world and for the conquest of glory in the heavenly Fatherland. Amen.

(For the Soldiers, 100-day indulgence † Angelo Bartolomasi, Military Archbishop).