Tuesday 2 July 2013

Prayer of the Legionary Before Battle (1935)

O God, who lights every flame and strengthens every heart, renew my passion for Italy in me day by day. Make me ever more worthy of our dead, so that they themselves — the strongest — shall answer to the living: "Presente"!

Nourish my book with Thy wisdom and my rifle with Thy will. Make my eyes sharper and my feet more secure on the sacred passes of the Fatherland; and on the roads, on the coasts, in the forests, and on the fourth shore which once was Rome's.

When the future soldier marches by my side in the ranks, let me feel his heart beating faithfully. When the standards and the flags pass by, may all the faces recognize themselves in that of the Fatherland; the Fatherland which we shall make grander by each carrying his stone to the workshop.

Lord God! Make Thy Cross the sign which precedes the labarum of my Legion. And save Italy through the Duce always and in the hour of our beautiful death.
