Sunday 4 March 2012

Speech in Florence, October 23, 1933

To the Florentine Blackshirts

By Benito Mussolini


Will it be a period of peace? That no longer depends only on us. We have demonstrated in the firmest, clearest, and most loyal manner that we desire peace; but peace with honour and justice for everyone. Peace with honour and justice is a Pax Romana—that which dominated the world in the centuries of the Empire; a peace in conformity with the character and temperament of our Latin and Mediterranean race which I wish to exalt before you because it is the race which has given to the world, among thousands of others, Caesar, Dante, Michelangelo, and Napoleon; a race of creators and constructors, ancient and strong, determined and universal, which has given the keynote to the world three times in the course of the centuries, and which shall again give the keynote that the world, disturbed and confused, awaits. Raise your banners and your arms to the sun of Rome and salute the Fascist march which from Italy continues on the roads of Europe and the world.
