Monday 5 March 2012

Speech in Milan, November 7, 1938

Conference of the Institute of Fascist Culture of Milan (On the Church and the Jews)

By Roberto Farinacci

In light of the directives given by the Secretary of the Party to the Institute of Fascist Culture, it was too logical that you would hear an orator illuminate one of the aspects of the Jewish question. Certainly not to repeat or to clarify what the newspapers and magazines have published in recent times, but only to clarify certain attitudes, especially when dealing with that category of melancholic men who feel the need to be disturbed whenever the revolutionary regime confronts and resolves problems that must give Italy ever better generations.

We say to this category of melancholic men: we are determined to act regardless of your feelings. And to those who ask us when we can have an era of quiet living, a period of rest, we answer: never! For the future of Fascism and for the future of the Fatherland, Fascism will keep the Italians spiritually moving, always awake and industrious, every day, every hour, and will not feel any remorse in depriving them of a few hours of sleep.

Have we not accepted the commandment to live dangerously? So then let's say to those who are suffering from gout, to those who suffer from heart-pounding, to those who wear the Fascist badge in order to participate in a competition or in order to satisfy their ambition, if they do not have the heart to follow us, then let's tell them to step aside; step aside and make our daring march easier—this march, which has led led us down a path of victories, great satisfactions and great successes. These plague-infested ponds must be drained in order to purify the river.

And while speaking today to you people of Milan, you will be able to recognize that even if time has whitened the temples, our faith and spiritual youth has been preserved and remains intact. When one follows Mussolini and his doctrine with intelligence and devotion, one does not have time to stop and grow old.

Perhaps this is why Comrade Alfieri and those of you of the Institute of Fascist Culture asked me to speak about a subject which fascinates Italians and fascinates the world. Also because you remember that for over five decades I have denounced the Jewish peril and proclaimed the need to free the delicate organs of our country from the Jews who, with diabolical cunning, have managed to spread their tentacles everywhere.

And do not try to claim that the anti-Semitic policy followed today by Italy was suggested to us or borrowed from Germany. Anyone who claims this is acting in bad faith. Recently the national press has republished passages of speeches and writings from 1923, 1925 and subsequent years in which the Duce affirmed the necessity of defending our race. But I, as someone who closely and constantly follows the Duce in his every word, in his every writing, in his every thought, I am able to remind you that long before the rise of National Socialist Germany, Mussolini published the following words in Il Popolo d'Italia on June 4, 1919:
"If Petrograd (St. Petersburg) does not fall, if Denikin marks time, it is because the great Jewish bankers of London and New York so desire, linked up as they are by racial ties with the Jews who, in Moscow as in Budapest are taking revenge on the Aryan race which has condemned them to dispersion for so many centuries. In Russia 80% of the Soviet leaders are Jews. Might it not be that Bolshevism is the vendetta of Jewry against Christianity? It is a subject certainly worth pondering. World finance is in the hands of the Jews.
Whoever possesses the nations banks controls their politics. Behind the puppets of Paris stand the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, the Schiffs, the Guggenheims, who are of the same blood as the masters of St. Petersburg and Budapest. Race does not betray race.
Bolshevism is defended by international plutocracy. That is the essential truth. International plutocracy, dominated and controlled by the Jews, has a supreme interest in hastening all of Russian life through its process of molecular disintegration to the point of paroxysm."
Thus since the beginning of Fascism, Mussolini affirmed that Bolshevism was synonymous with Jewry. Reading this passage today, almost twenty years after it was written, one can not help but notice that it perfectly describes today's world situation in regards to the Jewish International. In fact, through Bolshevism, Jewry created revolutions in Germany, Hungary, Spain and Italy, after having poisoned the masses through the works of Treves, Modigliani, Musatti and other Jews, and led the anti-Fascist movement in order to annihilate the moral values of our struggle. Every single time that Italy found herself engaged in international disputes, the popular fronts—which were purely Jewish creations—tried in a thousand ways to harm our country. It was the Jews especially who desired the economic sanctions against us during the Ethiopian War and acted on behalf of various foreign governments so that Italy's military strength would be weakened.

Semantic Intransigence

The Jews in Italy (and when I say "Jews", I mean the Jews as a whole and not those rare individual exceptions) never took a decisive stand against the Jewish International. Not only that, but they sent their representatives to Geneva, home of the International Jewish Parliament. Moreover, the Jews themselves wrote and said several times that they represented a race different from us, an unmistakable and unassimilable race, and they themselves said that they did not recognize any principle of nationality except their own, and they exalted this principle with their campaign in favor of Zionism. According to the Jews we are nothing but Goyim, i.e. despicable zoological beings.

The conquest of the Empire has forced us to immediately tackle the problem of the integrity of our race. And since the question had to be addressed, the solution could only be totalitarian. And we fully accepted the thesis of the Jews themselves, that we are different from them and that "just as oil does not mix with water, so Israel does not mix with other peoples".

So then why are the Jews complaining today? And why are honorary Jews so horrified?

We are surprised by the current attitude of the Church, which is contrary to the whole history of Catholicism. We Fascist Catholics consider the Jewish problem from a strictly political and non-religious point of view, and in political matters everyone has and defends his ideas. But it comforts our souls to know that if, as Catholics, we became anti-Semites, we owe it to the teachings that the Church has promulgated over the past twenty centuries.

Under some of the pagan emperors the Jews enjoyed privileged positions over all other subjects, to the extent that only the Jews were exempt from worshiping the emperor, and had their own tribunals. But, since the early centuries of Christianity, the Fathers of the Church, while recognizing the right of Jews to exist and to worship, at the same time wanted the Jews to live in a state of subjection. The idea of the Church Fathers was this: that the Jews are witnesses of the truth, since they were entrusted with the divine promise of redemption; God, in order to show that He can do great things with the smallest means, entrusted the promise of redemption to the people who were the most petty (materially and morally) in the world; therefore, the Jew exists and lives, but at every moment he knows he is subject to Christians.

But if in this formula we can summarize the practical rule of early Christianity towards the Jews, we should not forget the feelings that the Church Fathers ruthlessly expressed against them. For example, St. Jerome, who had to live in contact with Jews for a long time for scientific reasons, made this confession:
"If it is expedient to hate any men and to loathe any race, I have a strange dislike for those of the circumcision [the Jews]. For up to the present day they persecute our Lord in the synagogues of Satan." (Epistle 65)
The same St. Jerome reveals the fanatical hatred of the Jews against Christians:
"It is their custom to curse Christians three times a day by launching anathemas against them in their Synagogues." (Commentary on Isaiah, Book 2)
St. John Chrysostom, in his "Homily Against the Jews"—and these are the words of a saint—says:
"The Synagogue is a meeting place of criminals and thieves, it is the home of the devil. Not only does the devil inhabit the Synagogues, demons inhabit the very souls of the Jews."
Tertullian pointed out that the persecution against Christians originated in the Synagogues:
"It is from them that the persecutions began against the Apostles and the first Christians. It is there that the origin of the spirit of revenge and hatred against the Church must be sought."
As reported by St. Ambrose, the Jews reduced a large number of churches to ashes during the time of Emperor Julian and even set fire to the Basilica of Alexandria. St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, was informed that in the village of Callinicus, on the border of Persia, the Christian population (which was continually oppressed by the Jews) had set fire to the local synagogue. The Jews complained to the Emperor Theodosius, who ordered that the Synagogue should be rebuilt at the expense of the Church. St. Ambrose sent this message to Emperor Theodosius:
"You ought not to have commanded what Julian the Apostate commanded. ... If you are moved by the burning of a building of no importance, do you not remember, O Emperor, how many illustrious buildings have been burnt at Rome, and no one inflicted punishment for it? ... Do you not remember how many of the Church's basilicas the Jews burnt in the time of the Emperor Julian: two at Damascus, one of which is scarcely now repaired, and this at the cost of the Church, not of the Synagogue... Basilicas were burnt at Gaza, Ascalon, Beirut, and in almost every place in those parts, and no one demanded punishment. And at Alexandria a basilica was burnt by heathens and Jews... The Church was not avenged, shall the Synagogue be so? ... Will you give this triumph over the Church of God to the Jews? The Jews will set this solemnity among their feast-days, and will doubtless number it among those in which they triumphed..." (Epistle 40 to Emperor Theodosius)

The Attitude of the Councils and Pontiffs Against the Jews Over the Centuries

And here is what the Apostolic Canons (which have great weight in the history and tradition of the Church) say against the Jews, in Canon 69:
"If any bishop, presbyter, or deacon, or any one of the list of clergy, keeps fast or festival with the Jews, or receives from them any of the gifts of their feasts...let him be deposed."
Canon 70:
"If any Christian brings oil into a temple of the heathens or into a synagogue of the Jews at their feast, or lights lamps, let him be excommunicated."
In 325 AD, the Council of Nicaea determined that "no one has the right to maintain any relationship with [the Jews], nor to eat or drink with them."

Other councils took similar measures. The Council of Elvira in Spain prohibited marriages between Christian women and Jews (Canon 16). The Council of Laodicea in 347 forbade Christians from accepting gifts from the Jews and from eating in their company (Canons 37 and 38).

Under the influence of these doctrinal and juridical principles, confirmed and constantly applied by the Church since the 4th century, the Christian emperors gradually began to limit the privileges of the Jews, before finally abolishing them altogether and then enacting provisions against them. Their right to engage in proselytism was abolished and limitations were placed on their right to worship. From 439 onwards, Christians were prohibited from occupying Synagogues and prohibited from damaging or incinerating them or turning them into Christian churches, however, the Jews were forbidden from building new Synagogues. Jewish feasts were permitted and the Sabbath was also granted, but all ceremonies were forbidden, especially the feast of Purim, which was interpreted as the most offensive to the Christian faith.

This was all before the Justinian period. Already under the influence of the Church's doctrine, penalties were imposed against Jews who circumcised Christians, while baptisms were favored with special laws in favor of converts and with legal protection for damages caused to their former co-religionists. In these times, Jews were banned from owning slaves and provisions pertaining to inheritance were enacted in favor of converts.

With Justinian a true limitation against Jewish worship began. In 553 he ordered that Jews could only read the vernacular text of the Bible, forbade the reading of Jewish sacred books, and threatened the death penalty for any Jews who questioned the resurrection, the last judgment and the divinity of the angels. Justinian put into law the prohibitions established by the councils regarding marriage between Jews and Christians and the exclusion of Jews from every public office, so that they could not exercise any judicial power. The provisions nullifying Jewish polygamy date to this time period.

With this set of restrictions, the Justinian Code constituted the new basis of common Roman law limiting the relations between Christians and Jews. And these limitations increased with subsequent Christian emperors.

Clear Separation of the Jews

At the same time, the Pontiffs issued disciplinary norms and enacted canons from the councils. The councils of Vannes (465) and Agde (506) confirmed and amplified the prohibitions of Laodicea. But the restrictions increased as the years progressed. The Council of Orléans (538) forbade Jews from being seen with Christians during Lent, namely the days of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Council of Macon (581) confirmed the ban, added some forms of Jewish homage to the clergy, and excluded them from all functions and all public offices. The Council of Reims (625) excluded Jews from military service. The Council of Toledo (633) also excluded mixed-race people from all public offices, even those who converted to the Catholic religion.

The whole formation of the Church's canon law against Jews is influenced by the principles of the councils assembled in Spain, beginning with the Council of Toledo in 633 which established a clear separation between Jews and Christians and reduced converted Jews to the status of clerical servants. The sincerity of these conversions was so doubted that the Council of Toledo in 655 established the obligation for Jews to stay in church not only on Christian holidays but also on Jewish holidays, to prevent converted Jews from secretly participating in Jewish rites.

These provisions took shape with all those canonical laws which, beginning in the middle of the eleventh century, constituted the single and universal law of the Catholic Church on this matter.

The Church forbade Jews from living together with Christians, forbade Christians from eating unleavened bread made by Jews, forbade Christians from visiting Jewish doctors, using their medicines and using their baths. And as the authority of the Church increased, the laws grew more strict.

The Pontiffs also enacted measures in protection of the Jews, but only to alleviate their persecution by the people, to prevent violence or forced baptisms, to stop unlawful theft against Jews, and to prevent the murder of Jews, etc. Gregory I was the first to try to put a stop to the massacre that Christians were making against Jewish people and property. He forbade the desecration of Jewish cemeteries, the looting of their homes, the interruption of their feasts, etc.

However, the same Pontiffs who tried to prevent violence, such as Alexander III, also confirmed the old restrictive laws against Jews and added new ones: for example, the Jews were forbidden from keeping their doors and windows open on Good Friday, and were forbidden from having Christian familial servants for any reason.

The Invectives of Innocent III

Innocent III's invectives (1199) against the secular princes who favored the Jews and tolerated their "insolence" remain memorable to this day. It was this Pontiff who issued the provisions at the Lateran Council (1215) which placed the Jew in a state of inferiority and subjection to the Christian, and also transformed Jewry into a visibly distinct and separate society; and after repeating all the previous prohibitions and restrictions against the Jews, the Lateran Council ordered that Jews of both sexes in every province and at all times had to stand out from the rest of the people by wearing different garments. The Council of Avignon (1209) forbade Christians from having any commercial relationship with the Jews and also prohibited them from having conversations with the Jews even on trivial matters.

These provisions were constantly reiterated and were part of the decrees of Gregory IX (De Judaeis, Sarracenis et eorum servis) who codified the canon laws pertaining to the Jews.

And when the Jews were tortured and put to death under the charges of ritual murder and desecration of the Eucharist, the Pontiffs themselves, who intervened to protect the Jews from extermination, still did not revoke these anti-Jewish provisions; and later, other popes enacted even stricter laws against the Jews before ordering the burning of the Talmud (1553), and then censoring Jewish books.

This was followed by the papal bull Cum nimis absurdum, issued on July 14, 1555, which was destined to exert a decisive influence on the condition of the Jews in every part of the world. This bull prescribed that the Jews of Rome and the other cities of the Papal States had to live in areas separated from the Christian neighborhoods, thus establishing the ghetto, and forbade Jews from owning or purchasing homes. It reiterated the obligation of the Jews to wear distinct garments, the prohibition of having Christian servants, of fraternizing with Christians, of caring for Christians, and of being called "Sir".

Above all, it is the encyclical A Quo Primum by Pope Benedict XIV, addressed on June 14, 1751 to the primates, archbishops and bishops of the Kingdom of Poland, which has a special value for us. It says:
"We have been informed that the number of Jews in Poland has greatly increased. In fact, some cities and towns which had been predominantly Christian are now practically devoid of Christians. ... The most serious is that some households of the great have employed a Jew as "Superintendent-of-the-Household"; in this capacity, they not only administer domestic and economic matters, but they also ceaselessly exhibit and flaunt authority over the Christians they are living with. ... Furthermore, by means of their particular practice of commerce, they amass a great store of money and then by an exorbitant rate of interest utterly destroy the wealth and inheritance of Christians. ... In this matter We will help as much as possible. If you have to proceed against ecclesiastics exempt from your jurisdiction, you will doubtless encounter additional difficulties. Therefore We are giving Our Venerable Brother Archbishop of Nice, Our Nuncio there, a mandate appropriate for this business, in order that he may supply for you the necessary means from the powers entrusted to him. At the same time We promise you that when the situation arises, We will cooperate energetically and effectively with those whose combined authority and power are appropriate to remove this stain of shame from Poland. But first Venerable Brothers, ask aid from God, the source of all things. From Him beg help for Us and this Apostolic See. And while We embrace you in the fullness of charity, We lovingly impart to you, Our brothers, and to the flocks entrusted to your care, Our Apostolic Blessing."

Rome Against Jerusalem

Until the French Revolution, all States took their legislative inspiration from the Church, and many of them expelled the Jews, confiscated their property and nullified their debts, while others denied them the freedom of worship, forced them to accept baptism, forced them to listen to sermons and brought them to the hospices of the catechumens. This was accompanied by prohibitions against the construction of Synagogues and the exclusion of Jews from public offices, schools, the purchase of academic degrees, the exercise of professions and commerce. All of this was in harmony with the provisions sanctioned by the Church through the councils and papal bulls.

It was the French Revolution that proclaimed the equality of all men, emancipated the Jews, made them citizens, and undeservedly gave them a State, a sovereignty and a dignity—which are supposed to be earned by those worthy of them—and they hopelessly lost them, because the Jews are incapable of practicing political discipline and have always been deniers of human value. Indeed, not only did the French Revolution undeservedly grant citizenship to the Jews throughout Europe, but they forced each nation to recognize the Jews as their own and acknowledge them as partakers of a civilization, a history and a race which the Jews themselves despise and detest. The Jewish race has always detested the Goyim, i.e. the Gentiles. The Jews, being inferior, lack those virtues which are upheld by the Aryan peoples, and it is precisely for this reason that they have always hoped and still hope to see us prostrated before the wrath of their vengeful and jealous God; it is precisely for this reason that they curse and exploit the glorious history of our civilization.

Rome is still and always has been against Jerusalem. In fact, the Jews, having proclaimed themselves God's favorite slaves, hate men who do not want to be slaves, but instead want to be children and architects of divinity.

Perhaps the Catholic Church has accepted this new principle of equality; perhaps she has abrogated her canons, corrected the doctrine of the Church Fathers, and revised all the bulls of the Pontiffs? I ask this question sarcastically.

The Church could not correct herself without contradicting the infallibility of the Magisterium: she can never do this, nor will she. On the contrary, she confirmed her anti-Jewish measures and principles, and she sharpened her suspicion, her aversion and her opposition to the new democratic and humanitarian principles, even though the masses seemed to be full of enthusiasm for it. Standing alone against all, the Church fought and resisted with a boldness that seemed daring, and was, for the most part, even anti-historical.

The Maxims of Israel

On the other hand, how could anyone blame the Church for taking a stand against the Jews, whose reason for being is based on these following maxims which are the real teachings of Judaism:
"Only Jews are human beings; the other peoples of the earth are not men, but cattle." (Talmud, Baba Mezia 114b)

"The offspring of a foreigner [a non-Jew] is like the offspring of animals." (Talmud, Yebamoth 94b)

"The Messiah will give the Jews dominion over the world; all peoples will serve us and will be subjected."

"Even the best of the gentiles should be killed."

"It is forbidden to lend to gentiles without charging usury."

"What is a prostitute? Any woman who is not Jewish."
In reality, the Church was generally opposed to the spirit of the Enlightenment and democratic philosophy—more accurately, democratic religion—which drove away the traditional God of Revelation from the throne and replaced him with the God of Reason and the Goddess of Nature, according to which all men are priests. And more specifically the Church was opposed to the Jews, who were fanatical propagandists of this new philosophy and who soon conquered positions of power in the Masonic societies and led the battle against the Catholic Church with a superficial and vindictive anti-clericalism.

Constant Anti-Judaism

Regarding this obstinate anti-Judaism of the Church it is superfluous to cite the documents, because in truth all of us are already aware of them. And because of our scrupulous conscience, and precisely because we realized by experience that there is no deaf worse than those who do not want to hear (and in recent times the number of willfully deaf people has suddenly multiplied and shot up!), we wish to offer well-deserved and sincere words of praise to La Civiltà Cattolica, which, of all the Catholic periodicals, is without a doubt the most authoritative, the most orthodox and—deservedly—the most listened to by the Holy See.

The most tremendous indictment, if not the most humane and serene against the Jews in the last fifty years, is precisely that article which the Jesuit Fathers published in 1890 in La Civiltà Cattolica. In this article the human rights proclaimed by the French Revolution are condemned as the rights of the Jew. As for the remedies against the "depraved race", against this enemy of the human race, even the most radical remedies, such as the confiscation of property and expulsion, do not seem sufficient. In fact, the reverend Jesuit Fathers demand the abolition of all the laws that assure political and civil equality for Jews.

The Jesuit Fathers had always recognized that Freemasonry is a Jewish instrument which hatefully tried to control and persecute Christianity. It was the Jesuit Fathers—who, even more so than the Dominicans, deserve to be nicknamed the "hounds of God"—who fought like loyal and tenacious dogs against the Jews, against this new and more powerful enemy of Christianity; they attacked this enemy relentlessly.

As recently as a few months ago, they told Catholics that Judaism is the "equivocal nation" and "equivocal religion", and declared that the Jewish religion is profoundly corrupt, confirming that Judaism aims at world domination. They said this a few months ago, that is, after Fascism and National Socialism tried to warn the people of these same truths and denounced the danger of this Jewish International, whose racist megalomania causes them to think that they can not achieve their goal of world domination without the destruction and corruption of all the strongest peoples of the earth.

The very Constitution of the Society of Jesus establishes an intransigence towards the Jews that goes even beyond that of National Socialism. The rules of the Society of Jesus are formal in this matter: they absolutely forbid membership to anyone who descends from the Jewish or Saracen race up to the fifth degree. The Aryan racism of the Jesuits is therefore much more severe than Germany itself, where the law does not go beyond the fourth degree. The impediment is absolute, and even the Superior General can not grant any dispensation.

The Jesuit Fathers, Our Precursors

Now as long as the Jesuit Fathers do not renounce their Constitution, and as long as they continue to be for their culture, their intelligence, their constant defense of Catholic dogma and morality, and continue to be the most tenacious guardians of orthodoxy, then we Fascists we can say that, in regards to the Jewish Question, we have had precursors and constant teachers in the Fathers of the Society of Jesus. And the only fault that can be attributed to us, is that of having not applied all their same intransigence against the Jews.

Nor were the Jesuits the only ones in the Church fighting against the Jews. There is an impressive collection of writings in the French Catholic magazine Revue Internationale des Sociétés Secrètes, founded in 1912 in Paris by Monsignor Jouin, a priest of the Church of St. Augustine in Paris. The whole activity of this magazine is directed against the Judeo-Masonic peril. The works published by this magazine follow one another like a continuous stream. Indeed, it was Monsignor Jouin who published the famous Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion under the title "Le peril judeo-maconnique" (Paris, 1918).

Why Has the Course Been Changed?

What has happened in recent months to make Catholic magazines want to see their own collections destroyed? Here is a letter to the editor of Vita Italiana, sent by a Catholic writer who for his entire entire life had done nothing but denounce the Judeo-Masonic peril in magazines and newspapers, of which he was a regular contributor:
"I received back my work on the Bolshevik International and I also received the 11th edition of Regime Fascista. I thank you for this invitation which has given me the pleasure of hearing your just observations contained in the opportune article entitled Insistiamo. In my previous letter I announced the publication (in two Catholic periodicals) of my aforementioned writing in which I praised, among other things, the wise and courageous work they had done, especially their illustration of the famous Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
But with painful surprise the other copy of my manuscript was returned to me, because according to the judgment of the ecclesiastical reviser—whom I do not know—my writing could not be published, since it is no longer permitted to publish articles about the Jewish question in the aforementioned magazines.
I am very Catholic and practicing, but I am also very Fascist and I do not understand the reason for this new sudden change in direction of these two Catholic magazines in which, until last month, I was able to publish all my articles against Masonic and Bolshevik Jewry."
What caused this sudden change?

When the Pontiffs held fast to that negative attitude against the Jews and relegated them to the ghetto, nothing ever happened to them that could even remotely compare to what Bolshevism did in Russia, where they have massacred hundreds of thousands of religious; there was nothing comparable to the martyrdom endured by the Catholics in Hungary and in Spain. Because, in those days, the Jews could not harm anyone and could do nothing except live their own lives and be left alone.

But now the deeds, words and intentions of the Jewish International are terribly clear; now the hatred of this race against the Fascist States is no longer hidden: they openly seek to corrupt, dissolve and weaken the national energies, historical mission and heroic will of two of the greatest peoples of the earth: Italians and Germans.

A Series of Questions

What has happened to make the official Church today become so philo-Semitic rather than anti-Semitic? It pains us to think that this could be a result of infiltration, which the Jews foolishly boasted of and confessed to Simonini, and which Simonini revealed to the Jesuit priest Barruel:
"In Italy alone we [Jews] have more than eight hundred ecclesiastics... and we are confident that one day we will even have a Pope in our Party."
What has happened that we are now at the point where the New Testament is about to be forgotten and corrupted by the Old Testament? The Old Testament is not only a book of prophets announcing the Messiah: it is also a book of Judaic law without the creative spirit; it is the miserable confession of a people that prides itself on being a slave to God while hating other peoples—something which Christianity rejects, because, as St. Paul, the Apostle of the Gentiles, says: Christ has renewed and recreated men as children of God.

Why do the Communists, the Freemasons and the Democrats, all self-declared enemies of the Church, now offer praise and help to the Church? Because they want to use it against Fascism. But Fascism is a friend of the Church, because it is Catholic and Roman. And not only in word; we have demonstrated our friendship with deeds. Fascism gave to the Church what no other liberal or conservative or democratic government had ever granted it.

This creates a deep spiritual tragedy for us Catholics. We can not allow the Church, in a matter of mere weeks, to abandon its anti-Semitic consciousness which it held for 2,000 years. But we will overcome this tragedy, because we are conscious of our political mission. We will never forget that the Christian spirit is the highest energy that sustains men and European peoples, and leads them to fight in service of God. And we do not want the Church to lose its integral educating mission by dealing with political questions that belong only to Fascism, because Fascism obeys history, and preserves and enriches the heritage of Rome for posterity.