Saturday 3 March 2012

Speech in Milan, January 14, 1919

Fiume and Dalmatia

By Benito Mussolini


As disciplined citizens and as obedient soldiers, we respect and we submit to the decree which prohibits us from speaking at the "Scala". But nobody forbids us, nor can they prevent us, from raising our free voice against those who wish to renounce all our rights and mutilate Italy's victory.

They accuse us of imperialism. This is patently false! Indeed, nothing could be farther from the truth. We only want what hundreds of thousands of Italian soldiers sacrificed their young lives for. This is not imperialism. We do not want anything that is not properly Italian. We do not want Zagreb, which is Croatian. We do not want Belgrade, which is Serbian. But Zara is Italian, Fiume is Italian, Spalato is Italian; and we will not allow the Croatian boot to stomp on the ground of our most noble cities.

Long live Italian Dalmatia!