Sunday 4 March 2012

Speech in Rome, May 5, 1943

Last Speech From the Balcony of the Palazzo Venezia

By Benito Mussolini

I can feel the vibration in your ancient voices. You have an incorruptible faith (the crowd bursts into a formidable shout: "Yes!") along with supreme confidence: faith in Fascism ("Yes!") and confidence that the bloody sacrifices of these hard times will be rewarded with victory (very loud, prolonged cheers), for God is just and Italy is immortal. (The people enthusiastically cheer the Duce).

It was seven years ago that we were gathered here in the square to celebrate the triumphant conclusion of a campaign in which we defied the world and opened up new avenues to civilization. (Prolonged applause). This great enterprise is not finished; it is simply interrupted. I know, I feel, that millions of Italians suffer from an indefinable longing—a longing for Africa. ("Yes! "). And there is only one cure: to return. And we will return! (The crowd breaks out into new, uncontrollable cheers and cries out with one voice: "Yes!").

The categorical imperatives of the hour are these: to honor combatants, to scorn shirkers, and to shoot traitors of any rank and race. (Very loud applause).

This is not only my will. I am certain it is also yours and of the whole Italian people.