Sunday 4 March 2012

Speech in Reggio Calabria, March 31, 1939

By Benito Mussolini


You have been waiting for me for sixteen years (shouts from the crowd: "Too long!"), giving evidence of that discretion which is a distinctive characteristic of peoples of ancient civilization such as yourselves. In these two days I have tested the temperament of this people. It is a temperament of sturdy metal, the kind of metal used to make spades and swords, plows and rifles. Your organization, your style and your ardor are in line with all the other provinces of Italy.

Coming to this land and observing the the myriads and myriads of your children, we see the absolute certainty of the continuity of our Fatherland over the centuries.

You set a counter example to those who, suffering the harmful influences of exotic fashions and theories, which experience has shown to be absolutely idiotic, first weaken the Fatherland and then cause it to go extinct.

Strong peoples are fruitful peoples; whereas sterile peoples are weak.

When these peoples are reduced to a miserable heap of old men, they will breathlessly bow under the whip of a young master.

I came here to see and ascertain what has been done. What has been done in this first period of the Fascist Era is remarkable, but what remains be done is even more remarkable.

The old governments invented the so-called southern question in order to never solve it. There are no northern or southern questions. There are only national questions, because the Nation is a family and in this family there must not be privileged children and derelict children.

After my speech to the squadristi in Rome, there is very little to add. We do not forget, we prepare ourselves, we think in terms of decades and therefore are always ready to wait, with certainty as a people with many arms and very solid hearts.

More than four years have passed since the month in which the "Peloritana" Division was mobilized, four years of harsh trials and grave sacrifices, culminating in the conquest of the Empire, which is the People's Empire.

A People's Empire which will be defended by the people on the ground, on the sea, in the sky, against anyone.

Some morons from beyond the Alps, confusing their desire with reality, have spoken of a departure of the Italian people from the Regime. (The multitude responds with a single passionate cry: "No!").

Your hisses—which will penetrate their eardrums—demonstrates that the exact opposite is true. The people and the Regime are one (the crowd screams: "Yes! Yes!"): The Armed Forces and the people are one, and these Italian people are ready to put on the uniform (the whole people shout out a formidable: "Yes!") because, like all young people, they do not fear combat and are certain of victory.